
It's Foolishness To Physically Attack a Witch - Nana Ohene Ntow

Nana Ohene Ntow has implored Christian leaders to teach their members to desist from physically attacking people accused of witchcraft.

The former General Secretary of the New Patriotic Party noted that if indeed one is a witch, the right approach is to deal with the witchcraft in a spiritual court.

He wondered how some people believe their mother or guardian is a witch and would mete out corporal punishment on such a person.

Nana Ohene Ntow, contributing to Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" morning show, advised the religious leaders to inculcate the right doctrines in their congregation stating "I am a Christian, so I believe in the spiritual but when you read the Bible, the Bible says the weapons of our warfare are not physical".

"Imagine someone is indeed a witch and spiritually tormenting but you go to slap her physically, how do you deal with the issue? It just doesn't even make sense; it's foolishness...Spiritual things are spiritual; physical things are physical," he concluded.

He added that assaulting someone is against the laws of Ghana and perpetrators will face prosecution.